Assistant Professor in Computing and Software Engineering
School of Computing and Communications,
Lancaster University Leipzig, Germany
Teaching and Supervision |
Work Experience

Welcome to my webpage!
I am an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster Univesity Leipzig, Germany
As a tutor and researcher at the School of Computing and Communications (SCC) my role is to support the institutional objectives that promote higher education, high quality research, skills and knowledge transfer with external collaborations.
I have served as a reviewer for the following Journals and Conferences:
Associate Editor & Organiser
Associate Editor for IEEE Access, IEEE.
Publicity Chair, SCITA 2020, Springer.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), IEEE.
IEEE Access, IEEE.
IBM Journal of Research and Development, IEEE.
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) - Elsevier
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) - Elsevier
International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS) - Wiley
10th International ACM Sigsoft Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA), 2014.
8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), 2014.
21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 2014.
A list of courses that I have been involved with as a lecturer, tutor or teaching assistant can be found at Course List
A list of publications to reflect the contributions of my research can be found at Google Scholar or DBLP
If you like to be in touch, feel free at: a.abbasi at or get connected at Linkedin

My research expertise are in the area of software engineering to conduct independent research, supervise academic thesis and produce publishable and applicable results. Although the ‘keywords’ to best describe my research interests can be listed as Software Evolution, Software Architectures, or more precisely Architecture-Centric Software Evolution. However, I am more excited to learn about and possibly apply some interesting synergies that exist among biological evolution, architectures in the real world and in development and evolution of software architectures.